
Class 3

Miss Thomas

Class Teacher

Mrs Canter


Miss Carnon

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Class 3

Step into Class 3 and see why every member of our tribe is valued for their unique role in our learning journey.  On this intrepid adventure into the beginning of Key Stage 2 every learning warriors’ contribution is carefully considered, valued and forms a vital part of our multi-coloured tapestry of experiences.

We celebrate our differences and explore how tolerance and acceptance of one another’s opinions and strengths combine to create a powerful environment for collaborative learning. Together we grow strength and confidence from this to bravely delve deeper, exploring further the important skills of questioning for each term’s Enquiry.

We support and encourage one another, building resilience as learners who relish challenge and look upon mistakes as the “building blocks” of our brains. These everyday challenges could be anything from mastering the art of correct punctuation, effective strategies in mental maths or even working out the best speed for the jump on our bike track!

Our class believes in the “magic” of immersion, using creative props and activities to make our learning three dimensional and “real”. We like to solve or explore questions from a different angle.

In Class 3 we are “Renaissance all-rounders” taking equal joy in Maths, Science and the Arts.

When you step into our class, you will find a tribe of happy learners and feel the depth of our love and commitment to each other, our school and our learning.

Delabole Primary School
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