
The School Day

Our School Day

By 8:30, the gates to the front playground are open for children, parents and carers to come onto the site safely. Staff are present on the playground to welcome everybody. The doors to the school are open. The children will prepare themselves to come into school focused and ready to learn. Registration will take place at 8:45 by which time the front gate will be closed.

Once registration has taken place in the classrooms, each morning normally begins with an assembly when the whole school gather as a tribe. On a Monday, led by Mr Pritchard, we delve deeper into our understanding of the Values, Enquiry Question and Learning Toolkit which underpin what it means to be a pupil at Delabole. Across the week, we also come together to ‘Love Reading’, when a member of staff from across our team share a beautiful text, explore the power of positive thought and mindfulness approaches, and celebrate achievements and behaviour in our Learning Warrior and Calm School Code champion.

Whilst each class will vary according to their individual needs, most days will see Maths and English being taught in the morning through until lunchtime. At either 10:30 or 10:45, there is a short fifteen-minute break in which children can have some rest and recovery whilst enjoying fresh fruit and a drink of water. From 12:00, the children eat their lunch together in the hall and play together in the front playground or when the weather is fine in the sports field. Over playtime, the older children develop their leadership roles to support the younger children whilst they are both eating and playing. There are also diverse clubs run by members of staff.

During the afternoon, through our Enquiry Curriculum, all the remaining foundation and core subjects are taught. Often a whole class story is shared, celebrated and enjoyed together before the end of the school day at 3:15.

The children will then be handed safely over to their parents and carers at the pencil gates in the front playground. If children are taking part in an After-School club then they will be handed over at the office entrance at 16:15.


08:30                      Playground gates open

08:45                      Classroom Registration – learning begins

09:00                      Whole School Assembly

09:20                      Teaching and Learning – typically Maths or English

10:30/10:45            Break time - including fresh fruit and water

10:45/11:00            Teaching and Learning – typically Maths or English

12:00                       Lunchtime

13:00                       Teaching and Learning – typically Science, PE and the Core Subjects

15:15                        The school day ends – children safely handed over to their parents and named carers

16:15                        After-School clubs end – children safely handed over to their parents and named carers

Delabole Primary School
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